People do all the things according to their convenience. For them, others don't matter. They matter only till the time, they are good for their purpose. Sometimes, it makes us feel so sick when we think of things and people around us. It becomes so difficult to judge them, but then that's what we call life. We meet all kind of people and it's for us to decide on whom to trust. Trust in itself is such a huge word. It has the power to shake away the boundaries of relationships. People do nothing but lie and fake. They are nothing but double-faced. And nowadays, people even like being lied to because they have found it as a medium of escaping reality. They like running away from things in a search of a better wold where they lead a life with only lights, that, give them inspiration to live and light brightness in their own world. Everyone likes being secured and lead their upcoming days with only love and care. But it is hard to find a key, that leads them to that point. People are so used to obscure things around them that they have become immune to things that would hurt them. Things don't matter to them anymore. Even if they do, that is because of the little feelings left inside them that causes that adrenaline rush. I think it's more biological that causes a little change inside a human behavior. There is nothing much emotional thing left that would elate those feelings that have died with fakeness around. We say that Rome wasn't built in a day. Similarly, it takes time to build things around and it takes a second or a minute to break everything around. But then what goes around, comes around. If you have gone through sufferings, there might come a day when you will see only beauty around. You might strike someone who will make you believe in everything again, who builds everything that once was broken, who lights up everything and never gives you chance to bring in the word *doubt* with things. But such an angel only exists in stories and not in reality because God has given us the power to believe only in ourselves and no one else. But who wouldn't like to have an angel who brings in faith and love ?